Talley & Associates Auction Services
For more information about upcoming auctions or to inquire about our auction services, please call (816) 532-6101.
Talley & Associates Auction Services auctions all types of real estate, including residential & commercial, but focuses primarily on agricultural land. Our knowledgeable team has a diverse background that combined, brings a wealth of experience in the agricultural land market!
Talley & Associates can auction land anywhere in the United States and uses live, online bidding; another benefit for the seller.
To inquire about Auction services, give us a call at 816-532-6101 or:
Dirk Talley
(913) 231-0098
Kenny Tromp
(816) 304-8771
You can also email us at: talleyauctions@gmail.com.
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Visit our website at: http://www.talleyauctions.com/.